
Executing an Effective Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound marketing campaigns can be quite complex since they require a whole process that goes from content creation to the attraction, generation, and retention of leads. This is why it is very important to have a clear path that will help us plan and execute a successful campaign.

Identify our objectives and budget.

We must take into consideration both the specific objectives of our campaign and the general objectives of the organization. The resources and the budget with which we have to carry out our marketing efforts. 

Who is our audience?

Define who is our target audience in the clearest way possible. Who is the buyer persona, their location, habits, etc? Be clear that inbound marketing not only wants to achieve a sale but to we want to generate a long-term value for the customers.

Content development

We have to create the message of our campaign, the content and creative designs. What are the benefits of my product? What makes us different from the others?

Prepare a Distribution Plan

What are the channels where we are going to promote our message? We must establish what are the most effective channels to reach our target audience. In the digital environment, there is a wide variety of platforms that will allow us to publish our contents. Social networks, landing pages, email, choose the most effective channels for your offer.

Launch and monitoring

Once everything is underway we should not let everything run on its own, monitoring the results and feedback of our campaign will allow us to track our leads and optimize if we are not having the desired performance.

Analyze the results

Finally, we must always rely on the data and metrics to know the success of our campaign. Let’s make a compilation of data about visits, leads and new clients to evaluate our results and use this information for future campaigns.

Ingredients for Success: Experiences & Personalization

Companies are no longer just concerned about meeting sales goals, in the latest years, marketing strategies have shifted their focus into the consumer, understanding that buyers are not just looking for a product, but a complete, personalized shopping experience.

In order to create customer-centric strategies, we must be able to understand all the aspects surrounding consumer behavior and apply all gathered knowledge to improve customer experience. The rapid growth of technology and social media, new generational shopping behaviors, cultural shifts and so on, have created a new consumer who is much more demanding and less loyal.



According to Google, about 62% of consumers are expecting brands to deliver a consistent experience every time they interact with a brand, but only 42% believe brands are actually doing this. Providing an entirely personalized experience throughout the customer journey should be one of the ultimate goals for businesses, but it’s not always easy to execute.

The retail industry is one leading the way, integrating both online and offline to provide a better customer experience. Recommendations based on purchase history, personalized emails, incentive-based campaigns to promote customer advocacy, “buy online, pick-up at the store” options, these are just some of the few ways retailers are taking advantage of customer data and technology to provide a seamless shopping experience.

The changes in consumption behaviors in today’s market is pushing companies to look for ways to get customers attention by not only selling products and services, but an experience. Unique and memorable experiences that makes them fall in love with your product or service, and that will not only generate loyalty, but advocacy, something extremely valuable for companies in today’s digital environment. Offering a unique experience focused on the customer’s journey will help brands stand out in a saturated market and build a strong, long lasting relationship with their audience.

Starting your marketing plan

Developing a marketing strategy is not an easy task. Many business opportunities end up failing when we can not link our ideas with the organization’s goals and the resources we have available. That’s why developing a well-conceived marketing plan is key to our success.

Now more than ever, we have to our disposal many more tools and means to create successful marketing strategies that attract consumers, from traditional marketing to digital, we can reach our potential buyers in any platform available. But we don’t want to promote our brands with without a clear action plan, that will allow us to understand where we are as a business, our goals, and objectives, and where do we want to be.

For luxury good businesses, for example, one key strategy comes from the 4 P’s theory and focuses on the product itself. Giving that this industry doesn’t necessarily rely on high volume sales, brands want to have a differentiating factor, high-quality materials, lifestyle, status, etc. They must have a compelling value proposition that talks to their audience and sets them apart from the rest.