
Building Your Brand With SEO and SEM

When we talk about digital marketing and analytics, we almost always think about metrics, the performance of our website, our advertising campaign results, number of conversions, clicks, etc., but rarely the concept of branding is the first thing that comes to mind. But there is a lot we can learn about our brands through analytics.

During the Digital Branding Analytics Miami 2019 Conference I attended recently, I heard an incredibly valuable talk by Hector Hernandez, Chief Digital Officer of McCann Worldgroup, about assessing brand value through Web Analytics.

At #DBAMiami, Hector made some very interesting points regarding digital strategies like SEM and SEO and how should brands implement these to help build their brand value over time. When we are designing our strategies and defining objectives for our SEM or SEO efforts, we have to understand how people are going to find us. In of his examples he mentions the brand “Nike”, and while a strong brand as such can rely heavily on branded traffic, with keywords such as “nike sneakers”, smaller companies might want to take a more generic approach in the beginning with terms like “running shoes” to continue generating traffic, increasing awareness and building their branding progressively.

It’s extremely important that we understand our industry and market from the beginning, and how our potential customers are going to look for us online. Competitive analysis, keyword research tools and our own information from our analytics can give us valuable information about our audience and performance, and this will help us make the right decisions when we are creating our digital marketing strategies.

You can watch Hector’s full presentation in the video below: