
Telling Stories That Will Captivate Your Audience

When it comes to telling stories in the world of marketing, this goes much further than talking about our product and its advantages. Stories allow us to connect with our audience in a much deeper way and generate positive emotions towards our brand.

One of the keys to generating powerful and effective stories is to know our audience. We have to understand who they are, what they like, what motivates and excites them. Our stories must activate their emotions and imagination and connect with them in a way that it moves them to share the message with others.

When we are developing a content marketing strategy,  there are some elements we need to factor in to get the audience to engage and connect with us as a brand. 


First, we have to make sure that the story is connected to our brand, even if it’s not the main focus, our product always has to be present. We could be facing the risk of having a great story but the audience doesn’t know who is telling it. 



Our story must have an emotional element that resonates with the audience. It has to generate some sort of reaction; happiness, intrigue, curiosity. Anything that gets the audience interested and they feel identified and motivated to engage with us. This is the best way to establish a dialogue, we want to encourage them to tell us their own stories and express themselves.



Finally, we want to make sure we are using the right channels. In digital marketing, storytelling can happen in many platforms, and social media is a great tool. We can share videos, images or create an entire multi-channel approach. The important thing is that the story gets their attention and involves the audience.

Ingredients for Success: Experiences & Personalization

Companies are no longer just concerned about meeting sales goals, in the latest years, marketing strategies have shifted their focus into the consumer, understanding that buyers are not just looking for a product, but a complete, personalized shopping experience.

In order to create customer-centric strategies, we must be able to understand all the aspects surrounding consumer behavior and apply all gathered knowledge to improve customer experience. The rapid growth of technology and social media, new generational shopping behaviors, cultural shifts and so on, have created a new consumer who is much more demanding and less loyal.



According to Google, about 62% of consumers are expecting brands to deliver a consistent experience every time they interact with a brand, but only 42% believe brands are actually doing this. Providing an entirely personalized experience throughout the customer journey should be one of the ultimate goals for businesses, but it’s not always easy to execute.

The retail industry is one leading the way, integrating both online and offline to provide a better customer experience. Recommendations based on purchase history, personalized emails, incentive-based campaigns to promote customer advocacy, “buy online, pick-up at the store” options, these are just some of the few ways retailers are taking advantage of customer data and technology to provide a seamless shopping experience.

The changes in consumption behaviors in today’s market is pushing companies to look for ways to get customers attention by not only selling products and services, but an experience. Unique and memorable experiences that makes them fall in love with your product or service, and that will not only generate loyalty, but advocacy, something extremely valuable for companies in today’s digital environment. Offering a unique experience focused on the customer’s journey will help brands stand out in a saturated market and build a strong, long lasting relationship with their audience.