
The power of music

Music, regardless of the genre, has an incredible power to generate emotions on a listener, it can make you feel good, calm or anxious, and it’s no surprise why it’s such an important element when it comes to advertising.

The audience can gather information, feelings, memories… from the music they are listening to, and this can be a great benefit for advertisers that are trying to bring them closer to the products or services they are announcing, at the end, advertisers seek to attract the attention of the viewer, generate an interest and provoke a greater interest that will push them to the action.

When we associate brands with songs we are transmitting feelings and emotions if the music reaches out to the audience and actually connects with them in an emotional level it will also do so with the brand, increasing brand recognition and creating loyalty. Whether it is a popular song, a catchy jingle or an original score, with the power of repetition, the musical element on advertising can become part of the brand’s identity, how consumers see and remember our brands.