
Executing an Effective Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound marketing campaigns can be quite complex since they require a whole process that goes from content creation to the attraction, generation, and retention of leads. This is why it is very important to have a clear path that will help us plan and execute a successful campaign.

Identify our objectives and budget.

We must take into consideration both the specific objectives of our campaign and the general objectives of the organization. The resources and the budget with which we have to carry out our marketing efforts. 

Who is our audience?

Define who is our target audience in the clearest way possible. Who is the buyer persona, their location, habits, etc? Be clear that inbound marketing not only wants to achieve a sale but to we want to generate a long-term value for the customers.

Content development

We have to create the message of our campaign, the content and creative designs. What are the benefits of my product? What makes us different from the others?

Prepare a Distribution Plan

What are the channels where we are going to promote our message? We must establish what are the most effective channels to reach our target audience. In the digital environment, there is a wide variety of platforms that will allow us to publish our contents. Social networks, landing pages, email, choose the most effective channels for your offer.

Launch and monitoring

Once everything is underway we should not let everything run on its own, monitoring the results and feedback of our campaign will allow us to track our leads and optimize if we are not having the desired performance.

Analyze the results

Finally, we must always rely on the data and metrics to know the success of our campaign. Let’s make a compilation of data about visits, leads and new clients to evaluate our results and use this information for future campaigns.

The power of insights. Turning valuable data into smart business decisions.

Data can help lift our brands and make our businesses grow, but all this information by itself, without any context, would not give us the results we desire.

Many companies are concerned about having all the data and KPI’s available, about their customers, the market, their sales performance, etc. trying to evaluate their decisions and measuring results. But sometimes forgetting how to use this information where it really matters, which is turning it into real strategic actions.

Deciphering information and turning data into valuable insights requires a strategic approach that starts with identifying what do we want to achieve and how are we going to do it, especially throughout the buyer’s journey. We want to make sure we set up clear goals for each step as it will help brands understand if their efforts are being effective or what strategies they need to change.

This is where business intelligence tools like dashboards work as a great allied, allowing businesses to spend less time processing data and focus more on generating powerful insights to create successful strategies.

Campaign Creativity To Grow Big Brands

In this “always connected but not always receiving” world with fragmentation and more ways and places to interact, brands face both great opportunities and challenges.

In this panorama, it is important that brands have a coherent message that differentiates them. With the right ingredients, it is possible to overcome the challenge of fragmentation and evasion of the media. Instead of advertising focusing on sending messages to consumers, I believe that it should leave a significant brand impression that will grow and maintain brand partnerships. To achieve that, a solid process of creative development is needed.

By following a clear creative development process for your content, you can minimize the risk and create something that not only appeals to the consumers but is also effective. We must start by raising an insight. An insight must discover a tension that can release growth and serve as inspiration for creativity.

Next, we need a clear statement of how the brand is going to creatively address the tension that has emerged in the insight, in a differentiated way. Later in the process, actionable ideas are developed and filtered before validating their effectiveness in the channels. Finally, once the creative content has been displayed, the performance in the market is verified and the impact on the brand is measured in order to guide its growth.

Starting your marketing plan

Developing a marketing strategy is not an easy task. Many business opportunities end up failing when we can not link our ideas with the organization’s goals and the resources we have available. That’s why developing a well-conceived marketing plan is key to our success.

Now more than ever, we have to our disposal many more tools and means to create successful marketing strategies that attract consumers, from traditional marketing to digital, we can reach our potential buyers in any platform available. But we don’t want to promote our brands with without a clear action plan, that will allow us to understand where we are as a business, our goals, and objectives, and where do we want to be.

For luxury good businesses, for example, one key strategy comes from the 4 P’s theory and focuses on the product itself. Giving that this industry doesn’t necessarily rely on high volume sales, brands want to have a differentiating factor, high-quality materials, lifestyle, status, etc. They must have a compelling value proposition that talks to their audience and sets them apart from the rest.

Are you a leader?

We often see the word leadership in many resumes online, articles and self-help books everywhere. But as growing professionals, do we really understand what it takes to be a great marketing leader?  

The biggest challenge is knowing that leadership is not about you or being in power, it’s about the impact you generate on others. For this, clarity is key. We need to know who we are as leaders, what do we want to achieve.

Great leaders will have a growth mindset and look at every challenge as an opportunity to be better and inspire others around them to keep moving forward and generate a positive change.