
Telling Stories That Will Captivate Your Audience

When it comes to telling stories in the world of marketing, this goes much further than talking about our product and its advantages. Stories allow us to connect with our audience in a much deeper way and generate positive emotions towards our brand.

One of the keys to generating powerful and effective stories is to know our audience. We have to understand who they are, what they like, what motivates and excites them. Our stories must activate their emotions and imagination and connect with them in a way that it moves them to share the message with others.

When we are developing a content marketing strategy,  there are some elements we need to factor in to get the audience to engage and connect with us as a brand. 


First, we have to make sure that the story is connected to our brand, even if it’s not the main focus, our product always has to be present. We could be facing the risk of having a great story but the audience doesn’t know who is telling it. 



Our story must have an emotional element that resonates with the audience. It has to generate some sort of reaction; happiness, intrigue, curiosity. Anything that gets the audience interested and they feel identified and motivated to engage with us. This is the best way to establish a dialogue, we want to encourage them to tell us their own stories and express themselves.



Finally, we want to make sure we are using the right channels. In digital marketing, storytelling can happen in many platforms, and social media is a great tool. We can share videos, images or create an entire multi-channel approach. The important thing is that the story gets their attention and involves the audience.

Buzz Marketing and The Power of the Word of Mouth

I remember way back in my college days how many professors would stress to us the importance of word-of-mouth in marketing. Even before the digital age, consumers have always been one of the most powerful advertising agents. Although brands can spend millions of dollars in amazing advertising campaigns, sometimes it just takes a “free” reliable recommendation to make up a consumer’s mind. 

Word of mouth has gained even more valuable meaning in the digital age. It has evolved from a personal one-on-one conversation to a very public and loud statement. And today, with the overwhelming amount of options and online advertising invading our daily lives, marketers are always trying to find new ways to cut through the noise and generate connections with their audience that can eventually grow to the point of advocacy. 

Buzz Marketing is a great way to achieve that. With the right content, you are not only going to create awareness and get consumers interested in your brand, but you want to get them talking. The more the consumers talk, the more interesting your brand becomes. Getting that “buzz” or word of mouth is not an easy task. We have to create a compelling story, get the audience interested in it and facilitate its distribution. So it’s not only us, the brand, telling it, but the consumer itself, sometimes even in their own words, sharing our story with others, making it more believable.

You can check out this fun example

Campaign Creativity To Grow Big Brands

In this “always connected but not always receiving” world with fragmentation and more ways and places to interact, brands face both great opportunities and challenges.

In this panorama, it is important that brands have a coherent message that differentiates them. With the right ingredients, it is possible to overcome the challenge of fragmentation and evasion of the media. Instead of advertising focusing on sending messages to consumers, I believe that it should leave a significant brand impression that will grow and maintain brand partnerships. To achieve that, a solid process of creative development is needed.

By following a clear creative development process for your content, you can minimize the risk and create something that not only appeals to the consumers but is also effective. We must start by raising an insight. An insight must discover a tension that can release growth and serve as inspiration for creativity.

Next, we need a clear statement of how the brand is going to creatively address the tension that has emerged in the insight, in a differentiated way. Later in the process, actionable ideas are developed and filtered before validating their effectiveness in the channels. Finally, once the creative content has been displayed, the performance in the market is verified and the impact on the brand is measured in order to guide its growth.

Creativity with a plan

When it comes to the digital environment, we are currently saturated with advertising. We see ads and sponsored content everywhere, much so that even social media platforms like Facebook faced the need to changed their algorithms to “declutter” our newsfeeds. This has become a big challenge from brands, trying to understand how to stand out from the crowd, and actually, reach their audiences with the right content. One of the biggest benefits from digital media is the ability to analyze data in real time, this makes not only understanding our audiences much easier, but it gives us the possibility to make adjustments in our campaigns to make them more effective.

This is where A/B testing comes to play. In simple terms A/B testing, also called split testing, let’s us test out variants of the same message. It could focus on colors, the different wording in a call to action, the placement of our logos or many more small changes that when tested end up being a decisive component in the performance of our communication.

Even if we as marketers believe we might know our audience perfectly, we truly can’t predict how will they react to certain content and how will the behave. That’s why when we are communicating with our potential buyers, testing is a great tool to our disposal to actually see real results and understand what message will work better and lead to better results.