
Marketing To The Senses

Brands are constantly looking for ways to differentiate themselves, immersive in-store experiences, innovative technology, emotional ads, you name it. Looking to move away from a perspective based solely on the visual element, brands are taking on new approaches that manage to enhance the consumer shopping experience with all the senses.

Sensory marketing goes beyond mere promotional campaigns, the goal is to stimulate emotions and create special moments in order to achieve a better perception from consumers. Making consumers fall in love and engage with brands through all the sense, inviting them to smell, see, taste, feel and listen.

Here’s a great example on how brands can play with our senses to evoke emotions and generate a positive sentiment.



In sensory marketing, the sense of smell is one of the most powerful ones. Aromas not only get the consumer’s attention, but they generate very strong ties with emotions and memories. Overall, campaigns and communication using the senses can be very powerful, it can influence how consumers feel and help brands generate a strong relationship with them and at the end increase brand loyalty.

Luxury Retail: Benefits of an omnichannel consumer experience

The luxury retail industry, traditionally centered in physical stores, has dramatically changed these last few years. Making a switch for new technologies, social media, and e-commerce, luxury brands are adapting to new shopping behaviors where consumers are jumping from offline to online, merging analog and digital worlds to create an integrated, multi-channel experience.

Omnichannel marketing strategies start with understanding customers, getting to know what they need and how they shop so that retailers can provide a much more personalized experience. New technologies are making this much easier for brands to get data on their consumers’ shopping behavior, on and offline, allowing them to get valuable insights on how to reach their audience.

The role of the physical store has also evolved with the omnichannel approach, many luxury retail brands like Gucci or Burberry for example, not only keep the high-end experience with personal shopping assistants or offering champagne to their customers, but they also incorporate technology, where you can find big screens showcasing the latest collections or Ipads with your shopping history, which allows them to engage with their customers and offer them a far more rich and unique shopping experience.