The Key is Personalization

It’s undeniable that digital marketing has become extremely important in the business world, it went from being an additional marketing activity in many companies to even taking the center stage as the main business strategy.  

But to develop successful digital strategies there are many factors to take into account. One aspect that is becoming increasingly important is personalization. Nowadays, consumers who live in the digital environment are constantly bombarded by advertising, brands are everywhere. We see ads on Google, on our feeds in social media, apps, you name it. And one of the biggest challenges for companies is to stand out among the competition and this is exactly what optimization and personalization can help us achieve.

Thanks to many tools that marketers now have available, like marketing automation platforms, this process can be carried out much more easily. Platforms like Hubspot, Hootsuite, Salesforce, to name a few, allows us to make the process of customization possible in a seamless way, from the collection of data to the actual delivery of our message. Having the right tools is not only vital but will directly affect the success of our strategy.

By basing our strategy on our consumers, we are leaving aside the generalized messages about how great our brand is, and focusing on an individualized one, specifically created for our target, depending on their profiles and where they are in the customer journey. Optimization is what’s going to help us get the right message, at the right consumer at the right time.