Why should marketers care about Storytelling?

One of the goals of most brands when deciding to invest in digital marketing is to make real connections with their audience in the best ways available through the many platforms that we have available today. Costumers want to feel that brands understand them and that they provide valuable content that truly speaks to them. When costumers feel that they are taken into account they are more likely to be loyal to a brand and consequently generate conversions.

Storytelling is one of the marketing approaches that helps brands reach their audiences in a much more personal level than traditional advertising. As its name suggests, storytelling makes it possible for brands to tell their stories and help them build their identity and reputation. This story conveys values and ideas that will make a stronger bond between brands and their customers.

That’s what consumers care about at the end, especially the younger generations. They are interested in what a brand promises them, what it makes them feel and how they see themselves in that social spectrum consuming that brand.

Today the big challenge for marketers is to create the best stories to get attention, to entertain and persuade in a few minutes, that’s why social media is an amazing tool that brands need to take advantage of when telling their stories. Taking social media, not as another distribution channel, but a channel to spark conversations and transmit genuine experiences.

How can the retail industry benefit from data visualization?

The retail industry generates a large amount of data constantly. Sales, promotions, and client information are just some of the few things that can help companies achieve their goals.

But what do we do with all this information that we collect from our businesses? The best data in the world would be worthless if we can not understand it. It is right here where the data visualization becomes important. The main objective of data visualization is to communicate, in a clear way through graphics or infographics, all the information collected, in a way that facilitates making business desitions.

It may sound easy, but one of the biggest challenges of professionals working with big data or business intelligence is that they are not “communicators” and that much of the valuable information gathered can get lost in translation.

In the retail sector, data visualization software, such as Tableau, can help us in a simple, user-friendly way, identify key market indicators like sales by location, historical purchase information, product availability or shopping cart behavior and turn that information into visually attractive and easy to understand graphics that provide context to the data.

These visualizations will allow members of different business areas to make real-time business decisions in a matter of minutes.

The future of shopping. Benefits of Virtual Reality in Luxury Retail

In the highly digital world in which we live today, where mobile and e-commerce are the big favorites, it is a big challenge for many luxury retailers to attract consumers to the stores. But interestingly enough, new technologies can become great allies of brands, allowing them to attract their audiences and provide them with a unique shopping experience. One of the technologies that are increasing its presence in the retail sector is virtual reality. Becoming more relevant again in recent years, this technology represents a great opportunity for the sector, since it generates a new and exciting way for consumers to interact with products at the point of sale.

Some of the key benefits retailers can get from virtual reality include:


Strengthening brand image

VR technology allows brands to get closer, in a much more personal way with their audience. YSL, one of the biggest luxury brands, launched a  campaign for their perfume incorporating VR technology that allows viewers to enter the world of the brand, get behind the scenes and discover all the shooting locations.



Increasing sales

Not only is virtual reality a unique way to get potential new buyers to the stores, but it can also have a big role in the buying desition process. For example, Jaguar added the virtual reality element to their dealerships by allowing potential buyers to see the interiors of vehicles and play around with personalization options helping them make desitions.


Enhancing the shopping experience

One of the primary benefits is this technology is the ability to improve the shopping experience. Virtual reality offers retailers new ways to interact with their consumers. Dior used VR lenses at several points of sale to showcase their new collections at the store, and while consumers shopped they could also get a front row seat to enjoy their latest fashion show.


In the end, incorporating these new technologies can help brands connect with their consumers in a unique and innovative way that will allow them not only to generate sales but to create brand loyalty.

The power of music

Music, regardless of the genre, has an incredible power to generate emotions on a listener, it can make you feel good, calm or anxious, and it’s no surprise why it’s such an important element when it comes to advertising.

The audience can gather information, feelings, memories… from the music they are listening to, and this can be a great benefit for advertisers that are trying to bring them closer to the products or services they are announcing, at the end, advertisers seek to attract the attention of the viewer, generate an interest and provoke a greater interest that will push them to the action.

When we associate brands with songs we are transmitting feelings and emotions if the music reaches out to the audience and actually connects with them in an emotional level it will also do so with the brand, increasing brand recognition and creating loyalty. Whether it is a popular song, a catchy jingle or an original score, with the power of repetition, the musical element on advertising can become part of the brand’s identity, how consumers see and remember our brands.

Creativity with a plan

When it comes to the digital environment, we are currently saturated with advertising. We see ads and sponsored content everywhere, much so that even social media platforms like Facebook faced the need to changed their algorithms to “declutter” our newsfeeds. This has become a big challenge from brands, trying to understand how to stand out from the crowd, and actually, reach their audiences with the right content. One of the biggest benefits from digital media is the ability to analyze data in real time, this makes not only understanding our audiences much easier, but it gives us the possibility to make adjustments in our campaigns to make them more effective.

This is where A/B testing comes to play. In simple terms A/B testing, also called split testing, let’s us test out variants of the same message. It could focus on colors, the different wording in a call to action, the placement of our logos or many more small changes that when tested end up being a decisive component in the performance of our communication.

Even if we as marketers believe we might know our audience perfectly, we truly can’t predict how will they react to certain content and how will the behave. That’s why when we are communicating with our potential buyers, testing is a great tool to our disposal to actually see real results and understand what message will work better and lead to better results.

Business Transformation. How the luxury goods industry is changing in the digital age.

While the traditional concepts around luxury focus mainly on exclusivity, latest changes in the industry and the growth of e-commerce are generating a shift in the way consumers see luxury, where they no longer care for possessions as much as they value the experience. Luxury brands have already started to take advantage of the endless possibilities offered by the digital environment, and are trying to make sure that their brands and products are perceived as a total consumer experience.

This makes the concept of “worth of mouth” and the rise of social media influencers gain even more important when it comes to generating marketing strategies for the new generation of consumers. According to the Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2018 Report, published recently by Deloitte, Millennials and the Gen Z consumers are driving the growth of the luxury goods industry, shaping to be more than 40% of the market by 2025.

Unlike older generations, millennials and centennials are expecting to find their brands online, they want to interact on social media, they want to see the products “in action”, and when it comes to the purchasing decision, influencers play a major role. They have become a direct connection between a brand and the consumer, not only will they give reviews about a sponsored product, but they will portray the lifestyle and the life experiences that come with it.

All the big names in the industry are understanding and adapting to these changes, as the focus of their efforts has to move from objects to experiences, what makes their brands unique and how to connect emotionally with the consumers of the new generations.

Did you see that video?

Marketing and advertising are changing constantly, and with the overwhelming amount of digital content spread out all over the internet, consumers demand more quality content, and brands are becoming more aware of it. It’s not about creating content just to be out there, but connecting with audiences, speaking to them, getting their attention and above all, becoming viral.

Surely we’ve all seen hundreds of videos all across Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Emotional, intriguing or just funny, those videos that catch the attention of the users will get shared. And this is what we want to accomplish with our campaigns, be seen, make an impact and get our audience to respond.

Video is becoming one of the preferred tools by marketers and brands everywhere. In just a few seconds you can tell a story and go beyond just selling your product or service, but actually connecting with your audience on a deeper emotional level.