Marketing To The Senses

Brands are constantly looking for ways to differentiate themselves, immersive in-store experiences, innovative technology, emotional ads, you name it. Looking to move away from a perspective based solely on the visual element, brands are taking on new approaches that manage to enhance the consumer shopping experience with all the senses.

Sensory marketing goes beyond mere promotional campaigns, the goal is to stimulate emotions and create special moments in order to achieve a better perception from consumers. Making consumers fall in love and engage with brands through all the sense, inviting them to smell, see, taste, feel and listen.

Here’s a great example on how brands can play with our senses to evoke emotions and generate a positive sentiment.



In sensory marketing, the sense of smell is one of the most powerful ones. Aromas not only get the consumer’s attention, but they generate very strong ties with emotions and memories. Overall, campaigns and communication using the senses can be very powerful, it can influence how consumers feel and help brands generate a strong relationship with them and at the end increase brand loyalty.

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