Marketing Experts Share The Keys to A Successful Online Branding Strategy

Building a brand goes way beyond than creating a product and designing a great logo, it is an essential task for any business. Consumers do not fall in love with your product itself, but with what it represents, it implies perceptions and an emotional connection that are essential if we want to create a long-term relationship with them.

I spoke with 11 expert professionals in various fields of marketing and asked them to share their thoughts and knowledge about what are the keys to designing a successful digital branding strategy and here’s what they had to say:

Ximena Vega – CEO & Founder of Claridad Strategic Coaching

 “Technology has done more than just generate new versions of equipment or software, it has also created new consumers. This is why today we hear a lot more often about the Prosumer, a term that is created by combining the words, Consumer and Producer.

This concept is not free, since people have earned it, literally, with their direct participation in the construction (and in some cases, destruction) of brands. It all starts when the chats, blogs, messaging, social media, mail chains and now Twitter, become an open forum for those who want to comment freely. And there are always other people willing to be an audience.

This is how the consumer begins to raise his voice and is today capable of making an unknown brand an unprecedented success or to derail brands that have taken years to build.”

Jesus Martinez – Director of Marketing and Communications LATAM at Salvatore Ferragamo

“The norm of these times is change, the evolution in human culture is undeniable and the speed with which things change is unbeatable compared to the past. Technology, the internet, and social media have become fundamental for the communication plan of a brand.

Today the use of cell phones is a constant way to stay in touch and get information, brands can take huge advantage and gain visibility if they execute an effective plan taking into account these means. Today I believe that no brand could design a plan without the presence of digital media.”

Chris Muccio – Amazon Best Selling Author & Chief Digital Strategist at Social Fusion Group

“The single biggest point I would offer a brand is to “listen” to their analytical data. Data sings a song. We just need to be able to understand the words. Know what to gather, know how to track it and most importantly, have the ability to interpret the data.”

Giorgio Candiotti – Founder and Strategic Planner Director at Barba Creative Agency

“Let’s start with the basics of any plan; do not put all your eggs in one basket, we’re talking about diversification. Many brands think that digital communications rely 80% on Social Media, when in fact there are many different ways to execute plans and tactics.

If we imagine that there was no Facebook or Instagram, we open our minds to develop better and more efficient campaigns. Think Display, PR 2.0., SEO, UX, Mailing, Customer Service, Influencers, Blogging, Mobile and many more. And in general, any application in which technology can be involved is considered digital.”

Anthony Miyazaki – Brand Strategist, Marketing Analyst, and host of YouTube’s “Marketing Minute”

“To succeed in digital platforms, marketers need to take advantage of the opportunities for micro-segmentation, communicative interactivity, and real-time feedback. Even though micro-segmentation will cost more per click or view, the results (if the correct market and message are chosen) will be much more rewarding.

The interactive nature of digital allows for higher levels of servicing during the sales process as well as feedback on the effectiveness of marketing efforts. When these concepts are accompanied by a meaningful branding message and a valued exchange offering, you’re well on your way to digital marketing success.”

Felix Chi – Online Marketing Expert and Digital Director at Peak Seven Advertising

“Focus on stories about people. That’s the key to make a connection. Find a success story from one of your employees, find a satisfied customer and have them say how your product made their day. These stories will always be more successful than simplistic self-promotion.”

Nicolle Boniello – Digital Marketing Manager at DAS Group

“To create a successful branding strategy across your digital channels the most important aspect is consistency. Your image, tone, voice, and content must show who are you as a brand. For instance, your profile pictures must be all the same or related to your brand across the different social platforms.”

Judy Pino – Marketing & Communications Director at the New Civil Liberties Alliance

“A company that does not comprehend its audience is on a road to nowhere. You must have a road map to reach your customer in a relevant way and develop an engagement strategy that makes sense- good data is your GPS”

Kristine Perez – Digital Marketer, Content Creator and Writer at 451 Agency

“Creating a strong brand has always been important; but now with the digital world at our fingertips, it’s more imperative than ever. In an overwhelming space of information, successful branding creates relationships, builds trust, and reinforces recognition with consumers.”

Daniela García-Rovira – AmeriCorps VISTA Social Media Strategist

“I think that in order to create a successful branding strategy for digital channels you need to know your audience and be able to connect with their emotions in a way that appeals to them.

You also need to create a story that keeps people involved and coming back to find out what happens next. This way people will always be thinking about your brand.”

Susana Trista Reyes – Brand Strategist, Digitization and Marketing Analytics

“Being Digital is being everywhere. Digital helps you to speak directly or indirectly with your target audience. However, building a strong presence is key. Successful branding is built by hard and constant work.

Every piece of the puzzle has to be well thought as your Digital Branding will always tell a story. Therefore, be consistent on your posts, take into account the best time to engage your audience, think of the channels that are best to reach them, and be creative on ways to attract them.

Tailor your Digital Strategy well and you will succeed. Digital is there for you, use to the fullest!”


Today, we live in a world where we are always connected, whether it’s on our cell phones, surfing the web or in social networks. Due to this, brands are now faced with new opportunities as well as challenges in order to effectively approach their audience. Every day we are exposed to thousands of brands that attempt to get our attention, but only those that manage to differentiate themselves as well as generate emotional connections with their consumers, are the ones destined to succeed.

Digital media offers us immense possibilities to connect with people and that’s why branding is now more important than ever. The consumer is the key, we have to speak with them, listen to them, and more importantly create a meaningful relationship with them. Consumer needs are not just something important to consider, they are the main focus that should guide our strategies.