The power of insights. Turning valuable data into smart business decisions.

Data can help lift our brands and make our businesses grow, but all this information by itself, without any context, would not give us the results we desire.

Many companies are concerned about having all the data and KPI’s available, about their customers, the market, their sales performance, etc. trying to evaluate their decisions and measuring results. But sometimes forgetting how to use this information where it really matters, which is turning it into real strategic actions.

Deciphering information and turning data into valuable insights requires a strategic approach that starts with identifying what do we want to achieve and how are we going to do it, especially throughout the buyer’s journey. We want to make sure we set up clear goals for each step as it will help brands understand if their efforts are being effective or what strategies they need to change.

This is where business intelligence tools like dashboards work as a great allied, allowing businesses to spend less time processing data and focus more on generating powerful insights to create successful strategies.

Why should marketers care about Storytelling?

One of the goals of most brands when deciding to invest in digital marketing is to make real connections with their audience in the best ways available through the many platforms that we have available today. Costumers want to feel that brands understand them and that they provide valuable content that truly speaks to them. When costumers feel that they are taken into account they are more likely to be loyal to a brand and consequently generate conversions.

Storytelling is one of the marketing approaches that helps brands reach their audiences in a much more personal level than traditional advertising. As its name suggests, storytelling makes it possible for brands to tell their stories and help them build their identity and reputation. This story conveys values and ideas that will make a stronger bond between brands and their customers.

That’s what consumers care about at the end, especially the younger generations. They are interested in what a brand promises them, what it makes them feel and how they see themselves in that social spectrum consuming that brand.

Today the big challenge for marketers is to create the best stories to get attention, to entertain and persuade in a few minutes, that’s why social media is an amazing tool that brands need to take advantage of when telling their stories. Taking social media, not as another distribution channel, but a channel to spark conversations and transmit genuine experiences.

How can the retail industry benefit from data visualization?

The retail industry generates a large amount of data constantly. Sales, promotions, and client information are just some of the few things that can help companies achieve their goals.

But what do we do with all this information that we collect from our businesses? The best data in the world would be worthless if we can not understand it. It is right here where the data visualization becomes important. The main objective of data visualization is to communicate, in a clear way through graphics or infographics, all the information collected, in a way that facilitates making business desitions.

It may sound easy, but one of the biggest challenges of professionals working with big data or business intelligence is that they are not “communicators” and that much of the valuable information gathered can get lost in translation.

In the retail sector, data visualization software, such as Tableau, can help us in a simple, user-friendly way, identify key market indicators like sales by location, historical purchase information, product availability or shopping cart behavior and turn that information into visually attractive and easy to understand graphics that provide context to the data.

These visualizations will allow members of different business areas to make real-time business decisions in a matter of minutes.

Campaign Creativity To Grow Big Brands

In this “always connected but not always receiving” world with fragmentation and more ways and places to interact, brands face both great opportunities and challenges.

In this panorama, it is important that brands have a coherent message that differentiates them. With the right ingredients, it is possible to overcome the challenge of fragmentation and evasion of the media. Instead of advertising focusing on sending messages to consumers, I believe that it should leave a significant brand impression that will grow and maintain brand partnerships. To achieve that, a solid process of creative development is needed.

By following a clear creative development process for your content, you can minimize the risk and create something that not only appeals to the consumers but is also effective. We must start by raising an insight. An insight must discover a tension that can release growth and serve as inspiration for creativity.

Next, we need a clear statement of how the brand is going to creatively address the tension that has emerged in the insight, in a differentiated way. Later in the process, actionable ideas are developed and filtered before validating their effectiveness in the channels. Finally, once the creative content has been displayed, the performance in the market is verified and the impact on the brand is measured in order to guide its growth.

The future of shopping. Benefits of Virtual Reality in Luxury Retail

In the highly digital world in which we live today, where mobile and e-commerce are the big favorites, it is a big challenge for many luxury retailers to attract consumers to the stores. But interestingly enough, new technologies can become great allies of brands, allowing them to attract their audiences and provide them with a unique shopping experience. One of the technologies that are increasing its presence in the retail sector is virtual reality. Becoming more relevant again in recent years, this technology represents a great opportunity for the sector, since it generates a new and exciting way for consumers to interact with products at the point of sale.

Some of the key benefits retailers can get from virtual reality include:


Strengthening brand image

VR technology allows brands to get closer, in a much more personal way with their audience. YSL, one of the biggest luxury brands, launched a  campaign for their perfume incorporating VR technology that allows viewers to enter the world of the brand, get behind the scenes and discover all the shooting locations.



Increasing sales

Not only is virtual reality a unique way to get potential new buyers to the stores, but it can also have a big role in the buying desition process. For example, Jaguar added the virtual reality element to their dealerships by allowing potential buyers to see the interiors of vehicles and play around with personalization options helping them make desitions.


Enhancing the shopping experience

One of the primary benefits is this technology is the ability to improve the shopping experience. Virtual reality offers retailers new ways to interact with their consumers. Dior used VR lenses at several points of sale to showcase their new collections at the store, and while consumers shopped they could also get a front row seat to enjoy their latest fashion show.


In the end, incorporating these new technologies can help brands connect with their consumers in a unique and innovative way that will allow them not only to generate sales but to create brand loyalty.