The power of music

Music, regardless of the genre, has an incredible power to generate emotions on a listener, it can make you feel good, calm or anxious, and it’s no surprise why it’s such an important element when it comes to advertising.

The audience can gather information, feelings, memories… from the music they are listening to, and this can be a great benefit for advertisers that are trying to bring them closer to the products or services they are announcing, at the end, advertisers seek to attract the attention of the viewer, generate an interest and provoke a greater interest that will push them to the action.

When we associate brands with songs we are transmitting feelings and emotions if the music reaches out to the audience and actually connects with them in an emotional level it will also do so with the brand, increasing brand recognition and creating loyalty. Whether it is a popular song, a catchy jingle or an original score, with the power of repetition, the musical element on advertising can become part of the brand’s identity, how consumers see and remember our brands.

Luxury Retail: Benefits of an omnichannel consumer experience

The luxury retail industry, traditionally centered in physical stores, has dramatically changed these last few years. Making a switch for new technologies, social media, and e-commerce, luxury brands are adapting to new shopping behaviors where consumers are jumping from offline to online, merging analog and digital worlds to create an integrated, multi-channel experience.

Omnichannel marketing strategies start with understanding customers, getting to know what they need and how they shop so that retailers can provide a much more personalized experience. New technologies are making this much easier for brands to get data on their consumers’ shopping behavior, on and offline, allowing them to get valuable insights on how to reach their audience.

The role of the physical store has also evolved with the omnichannel approach, many luxury retail brands like Gucci or Burberry for example, not only keep the high-end experience with personal shopping assistants or offering champagne to their customers, but they also incorporate technology, where you can find big screens showcasing the latest collections or Ipads with your shopping history, which allows them to engage with their customers and offer them a far more rich and unique shopping experience.

Creativity with a plan

When it comes to the digital environment, we are currently saturated with advertising. We see ads and sponsored content everywhere, much so that even social media platforms like Facebook faced the need to changed their algorithms to “declutter” our newsfeeds. This has become a big challenge from brands, trying to understand how to stand out from the crowd, and actually, reach their audiences with the right content. One of the biggest benefits from digital media is the ability to analyze data in real time, this makes not only understanding our audiences much easier, but it gives us the possibility to make adjustments in our campaigns to make them more effective.

This is where A/B testing comes to play. In simple terms A/B testing, also called split testing, let’s us test out variants of the same message. It could focus on colors, the different wording in a call to action, the placement of our logos or many more small changes that when tested end up being a decisive component in the performance of our communication.

Even if we as marketers believe we might know our audience perfectly, we truly can’t predict how will they react to certain content and how will the behave. That’s why when we are communicating with our potential buyers, testing is a great tool to our disposal to actually see real results and understand what message will work better and lead to better results.

Business Transformation. How the luxury goods industry is changing in the digital age.

While the traditional concepts around luxury focus mainly on exclusivity, latest changes in the industry and the growth of e-commerce are generating a shift in the way consumers see luxury, where they no longer care for possessions as much as they value the experience. Luxury brands have already started to take advantage of the endless possibilities offered by the digital environment, and are trying to make sure that their brands and products are perceived as a total consumer experience.

This makes the concept of “worth of mouth” and the rise of social media influencers gain even more important when it comes to generating marketing strategies for the new generation of consumers. According to the Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2018 Report, published recently by Deloitte, Millennials and the Gen Z consumers are driving the growth of the luxury goods industry, shaping to be more than 40% of the market by 2025.

Unlike older generations, millennials and centennials are expecting to find their brands online, they want to interact on social media, they want to see the products “in action”, and when it comes to the purchasing decision, influencers play a major role. They have become a direct connection between a brand and the consumer, not only will they give reviews about a sponsored product, but they will portray the lifestyle and the life experiences that come with it.

All the big names in the industry are understanding and adapting to these changes, as the focus of their efforts has to move from objects to experiences, what makes their brands unique and how to connect emotionally with the consumers of the new generations.

Starting your marketing plan

Developing a marketing strategy is not an easy task. Many business opportunities end up failing when we can not link our ideas with the organization’s goals and the resources we have available. That’s why developing a well-conceived marketing plan is key to our success.

Now more than ever, we have to our disposal many more tools and means to create successful marketing strategies that attract consumers, from traditional marketing to digital, we can reach our potential buyers in any platform available. But we don’t want to promote our brands with without a clear action plan, that will allow us to understand where we are as a business, our goals, and objectives, and where do we want to be.

For luxury good businesses, for example, one key strategy comes from the 4 P’s theory and focuses on the product itself. Giving that this industry doesn’t necessarily rely on high volume sales, brands want to have a differentiating factor, high-quality materials, lifestyle, status, etc. They must have a compelling value proposition that talks to their audience and sets them apart from the rest.