Did you see that video?

Marketing and advertising are changing constantly, and with the overwhelming amount of digital content spread out all over the internet, consumers demand more quality content, and brands are becoming more aware of it. It’s not about creating content just to be out there, but connecting with audiences, speaking to them, getting their attention and above all, becoming viral.

Surely we’ve all seen hundreds of videos all across Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Emotional, intriguing or just funny, those videos that catch the attention of the users will get shared. And this is what we want to accomplish with our campaigns, be seen, make an impact and get our audience to respond.

Video is becoming one of the preferred tools by marketers and brands everywhere. In just a few seconds you can tell a story and go beyond just selling your product or service, but actually connecting with your audience on a deeper emotional level.

Mobile Everywhere

Smartphones have become the way user consume information today, and the faster we adapt our strategies and focused on creating a user experience for today’s consumer, the easier it will be to reach our goals.

Consumers will try to reach products and services from all types of devices and channels, and that is why concepts like multi-platform apps or omnichannel experiences are starting to get more attention. Companies are starting to understand that it’s not only about being mobile-friendly but that consumers will jump in between channels and devices and require the experience to be easy and fluid.

It’s easy to focus that quality content will be enough to satisfy the needs of consumers, but we tend to forget that the way users will consume the content can affect the success of our marketing efforts. We want to make our content easy to access and create designs that engage with users and gives them an enjoyable experience in any platform.

Are you a leader?

We often see the word leadership in many resumes online, articles and self-help books everywhere. But as growing professionals, do we really understand what it takes to be a great marketing leader?  

The biggest challenge is knowing that leadership is not about you or being in power, it’s about the impact you generate on others. For this, clarity is key. We need to know who we are as leaders, what do we want to achieve.

Great leaders will have a growth mindset and look at every challenge as an opportunity to be better and inspire others around them to keep moving forward and generate a positive change.